
We create time and space for introspection, contemplation, prayer and connection with the Eternal.

Jewish meditation involves mindfulness practices within a Jewish spiritual context. During the Shabbat service we Shema (listen). We practice gratitude through prayers like Modeh Ani and Birchot Hashachar. We take time for contemplation during the Amidah. Plus, at Makom, we often follow the Amidah with a guided meditation. Many find that meditation practices improve mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health. Please come to a Shabbat service to see how we meditate or join one of our weekly meditations.

Our Meditation Schedule

More information about our meditation sessions is available further down the page. Check our calendar page for latest information, zoom links, in-person service information, and for current events!

Weekly Meditation Group
Monday Morning Meditations
 See Calendar For Dates
6:00pm - 7:00pm

Led by Kim O'Kelley-Leigh

 Monday Mornings
8:30am - 8:50am

Led by Harold Giddish

Meditation Group
Each week, through brief discussion, the group comes up with 3 spiritual affirmations to guide our meditations. The class ends with another brief discussion about our individual experiences and Kim shares wisdom about the practice of meditation, garnered through her experience of over 30 years of daily meditation. Your first class is free; The suggested donation is $10 per class. This activity is open to members and non-members.

Passcode: 060222

Monday Morning Meditation
What better way to start your week than by centering, calming, and opening your heart through a guided, twenty-minute meditation. Themes often relate to the Jewish calendar or what seems needed in the world (i.e., peace, love). The class is free to members and non-members alike.
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